LED therapy has been developing for decades and home LED therapy devices are a more recent trend-and one that’s here to stay. No longer do you need to visit a spa or the doctor’s office to reap the benefits of LED therapy. If you’re planning to buy your own home LED therapy device to treat acne, wrinkles, or sun spots, you might wonder if you can get too much LED therapy. We’e answered that question for you.
How Often Should You Use LED Therapy At Home?
Certain elements of skincare work best in moderation. Washing your face several times a day is not recommended, for example, because you will strip your skin of natural oils, drying it out and potentially causing even more break-outs. But LED therapy is different.
LED therapy is one skincare treatment that responds well to multiple daily uses and using it more than once a day may bring you faster results. An LED therapy device like the Mask & Glo Pro does not harm the surface of your skin or the underlying tissue. Instead, the Blue light penetrates pores and hair follicles to kill bacteria that causes acne. Red light similarly stimulates cellular repair and increases blood flow and is often available in a handheld device for on-the-go treatment. See: Glo Wand
When using Mask & Glo products, use it for the length of time the device instructions recommend, usually from three to 10 minutes. With home devices, compared with a treatment in a spa or dermatologist’s office, you can treat as often as you like—no appointment necessary! That said, we recommend consulting your healthcare provider, such as a dermatologist or general practitioner, before starting any new beauty treatments.
Here are a few more common yet specific cases where people use LED therapy.
Blue Light Treatments for Severe Acne
The purpose of using blue LED is to control bacteria. So, to treat severe acne, you can use your Clinical device several times a day, as long as there is no irritation resulting in redness or rashes. Read: Benefits of Blue Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy Before or After a Workout
Red light can help prepare the muscles for a workout and ease pain or spasms afterward. The light waves penetrate deeply to help muscle tissue repair and regenerate. Use the devices as often as you work out. Treat before exercise, after, or both. Read: Benefit of Red Light Therapy
LED Therapy for Skin Conditions
LED has been scientifically shown to treat a wide range of skin conditions, and research continues to reveal new uses. Try red or blue light therapy for as often as you have time and be patient with the results.
Why Consistent LED Therapy Treatments Produce Better Results
Remember it takes years to develop acne scarring and wrinkles. Regardless of the way you use LED therapy, results take time. Stick with your treatments to see maximum benefits. Getting off track isn’t a big deal as LEDs are gentle and can be resumed at any time. However, maintenance and consistency are key when correcting acne or reducing wrinkles. (Read: How does LED therapy work)
Track Your Progress to Measure the Benefits of LED Therapy
Recording your progress with photos or videos is the best way to see the evidence of LED therapy’s benefits. Take a photo of the treated area the day you start using your device, and then another one from the same angle and in the same light once a week or once a month and repeat at that interval. While the changes may not be as obvious to you when you look in the mirror each day, the photos will clearly show your progress.
LED therapy cannot be overdone for most people. If you notice any extraordinary results, stop treatment, and contact your healthcare provider. For the best results, choose the right device style and LED color, and use it as directed. (Read: 5 things that will ruin your results)