LED treatment was previously only accessible in spas and medical facilities. Now, LED therapy is becoming more accessible and practical for patients thanks to more portable equipment. LED light therapy is non-invasive, risk-free, and has almost no side effects, in contrast to many other medical procedures. This indicates that you are in complete control of the treatment and do not require the assistance of a qualified specialist. However, there are certain errors you can be doing when utilizing this treatment at home.
Read: LED Therapy At-Home vs. In-Clinic
These errors are typically not harmful or detrimental because the treatment is essentially foolproof. They might, however, prevent you from properly maximizing your care and hence from enjoying all of its advantages. Using LED treatment at home? Here are 10 things you might be doing incorrectly and how to quickly remedy them.
1. Being Inconsistent with your treatment
The possibility to use LED therapy every day without having to pay the additional fees associated with professional treatment is the main benefit of doing it at home. The potential benefits and your investment are virtually wasted if you don't use your device the suggested 3-5 times per week.
2. Wearing Sunscreen
Sunscreen is made to filter UV rays, but it also acts as a barrier to some LED light, limiting how deeply it can penetrate. And remember that many foundations contain SPF if you wear makeup. If it does, you can think about using LED therapy in the morning prior to wearing makeup or just before bedtime after washing your face.
3. Making your sessions too short or too long
The basic guideline is to keep your sessions between 10 and 20 minutes, although you can experiment with this as well. After all, each body is unique and responds to treatment differently. If you limit each session to five minutes, you probably won't see any effects. However, if that's all you have occasionally, by all means, 5 minutes is better than none.
On the subject of longer sessions, you could be enticed to try to cram more minutes into them or to combine several sessions into one. LED therapy doesn't operate that way, even though it's not necessarily hazardous. Hour-long sessions won't be any more beneficial than 20-minute sessions, and if you end up skipping appointments, it will actually make the treatment less effective.
4. Not staying hydrated
Even while it is generally advised to drink water throughout the day, there is recent research suggesting that doing so may enhance the efficiency of LED therapy. Red light therapy may favor hydrated cells since they often have more energy stored in them, according to research. Reaching for that glass of water is always a good idea, even though additional research is required to conclusively say whether this has an impact on therapy in real life.
Read: Benefits of Red Light therapy
5. Not Tracking your progress
LED therapy results can come as a surprise because the process can take some time. Imagine you are getting LED therapy to make your skin look better. It can take someone telling you how glowing you look or asking if you've had work done for you to realize your progress because you see your face in the mirror every day. The same is true of persistent discomfort. You might not even be aware that your pain is getting better until you can move a box without flinching or ascend stairs without using a handrail one day.
You might think about taking pictures of your progress for cosmetic issues. A notebook could be useful for tracking advancements with regard to intangible conditions like pain or immunological function. This will not only encourage you to continue with your therapy, but it may also be helpful for altering the frequency and length of your sessions to discover the schedule that is most effective for you.
6. Expecting immediate results
Although LED therapy may be the most effective treatment for a variety of problems to date, it's crucial to keep your expectations in check. It's not a miracle treatment, to start with. In fact, the likelihood that the problem would resurface once treatment ceases is one of the reasons regular and continuous use is so crucial.
Second, is that LED therapy is a procedure. It requires perseverance and commitment, just like many worthwhile endeavors do. Do not panic if you feel you have not seen benefits after a month. Even while there may be a lot of activity occurring at the molecular level in the background, building collagen, repairing damaged tissue, and activating stem cells might take time.
7. Not properly moisturizing your skin with serums
In order to reap the full benefits of LED therapy, your skin has to be well moisturized with serums with Vitamin C as this helps your skin absorb the LED light rays. We offer a Corrective CC Serum and Hydrogel Mask that goes alongside the treatment to help you maximize the use of LED therapy.
In Conclusion
LED therapy is not fraught with serious errors. Small errors or omissions, though, could significantly change how successful your treatment is. Recognizing them and making the required corrections is the key.
Sometimes all it takes to maximize your body's own healing potential is paying attention to your body and fine-tuning your sessions. With LED treatment, both your device and your health are in your hands.
Do you want to know if LED treatment can help you? For further information and advice on maximizing the use of your device, see our blogs here.